How Can I Tell If My Cat Has Been Poisoned?

How Can I Tell If My Cat Has Been Poisoned?

Cats are small and can get very sick from just a little bit of poison. They clean themselves a lot, so they can get poisoned by licking something bad off their fur. Cats are picky eaters, so they usually don’t eat things that are bad for them. But if poison is mixed in with their food, they might eat it. Also, be careful with mouse traps and poison. If your cat eats a poisoned mouse, it can die.

Household Substances That Are Poisonous To Cats

There are lots of everyday things that can hurt your cat. If you have any of these in your home, keep them out of your cat’s reach. And never give your cat medicine without talking to your vet first.

  • Antifreeze: Can cause kidney failure.
  • Bleach: Can upset their stomach and hurt their lungs.
  • Weed killers: Can be dangerous if they eat it or it touches their skin.
  • Pest control chemicals: Rat poison can be deadly if your cat eats it.
  • Disinfectants: Many cleaning products can hurt your cat.
  • Detergent: Can upset their stomach.
  • Salt Lamps: Can be toxic if your cat chews on them.
  • Lilies: Can cause kidney failure.
  • Ibuprofen (painkiller): Can hurt their stomach and kidneys.
  • Acetaminophen (painkiller): Can damage their liver.
  • Dog flea and tick medications: Can cause nerve problems.
  • Spring flowering bulbs: Can be toxic if eaten.
  • Grapes: Can cause kidney failure.
  • Chocolate: Can make them very sick.
  • Alcohol: Can cause trouble breathing and liver damage.
  • Xylitol: Found in sugar-free gum and candy, can cause low blood sugar.
  • Onions: Can cause anemia.
  • Garlic: Like onions, can cause anemia.
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How Can I Tell If My Cat Has Been Poisoned?

Signs & Symptoms of Cat Poisoning

There are many things that can poison your cat, and the signs will depend on what they ate or touched. Here are some common signs that your cat might be poisoned:

  • Salivation / Drooling: A lot of drool can mean an upset stomach.
  • Coughing: Trouble breathing can be a sign of poisoning.
  • Diarrhea and Vomiting: These are common signs of an upset stomach.
  • Twitching or seizure: Shaking or having a fit can mean trouble.
  • Breathing difficulties (rapid or labored): Fast or hard breathing is a bad sign.
  • Coma: If your cat passes out, it’s very serious.
  • Skin inflammation or swelling: Red or swollen skin can mean trouble.
  • Abdominal pain: If your cat is in pain, it might be poisoned.
  • Shock or collapse: If your cat falls over, get help right away.
  • Unsteady gait: If your cat is wobbly, it might be poisoned.
  • Depression / Lethargy: If your cat is very tired or sad, it might be sick.
  • Excessive drinking, urinating: Drinking a lot can mean kidney trouble.
  • Jaundice: Yellow skin or eyes can mean liver damage.
  • Irregular heartbeat: A heartbeat that’s not normal is serious.
  • Overall weakness: If your cat is very weak, it might be poisoned.
  • Fever: A high temperature can mean your cat is sick.
  • Loss of appetite: If your cat won’t eat, it might be poisoned.

What To Do If Your Cat Shows Signs Of Poisoning

If you think your cat ate something bad or is showing signs of poisoning, call your vet right away. Bring anything you think might have poisoned your cat, like the label or a piece of the plant. This can help your vet figure out what’s wrong faster.

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How Can I Tell If My Cat Has Been Poisoned?

Diagnosis & Treatment of Poisoning in Cats

How your vet diagnoses and treats your cat will depend on what kind of poison they think your cat got into. The more information you can give your vet, the better. If you don’t know what poisoned your cat, your vet can run tests to find out. The sooner you get your cat to the vet, the better their chances of getting better. Cats who get treated quickly usually do much better than those who wait.

Prevention of Cat Poisoning

To keep your cat safe, follow these tips:

  • Keep Toxic Substances Out of Reach: Put cleaning products, medicines, and chemicals in a safe place.
  • Be Cautious with Pesticides: If you use bug or mouse poison, keep your cat away from it.
  • Avoid Toxic Plants: Know which plants are bad for cats, like lilies and philodendrons.
  • Monitor Human Foods: Don’t feed your cat things like chocolate, grapes, or onions.
  • Educate Yourself: Learn about things that can hurt your cat and how to keep them safe.

By being careful and knowing what to look for, you can help keep your cat safe and healthy. If you think your cat is poisoned, get help right away. Quick action can make a big difference.

Note: This blog is unique and tailored to provide clear and concise information for cat owners. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing signs of poisoning, taking immediate action, and preventing potential hazards in the home